Friday, August 17, 2007

Designed in Singapore... Original or Not?

In the recent weeks, there's been some news on a lil known place called Designed in Singapore ( well.. now after reports in the Straits Times, CNA and updates on Yahoo! News.. it's not so lil-known but maybe known a lil bit more.

Curiosity got me wanting to go check it out.. for a number of reasons.. mostly because
1. I'm Singaporean
2. I'm a designer
3. I'm looking to expand my base of clientele.

However, I was to be disappointed. I trekked over to Mohammed Sultan Road where DIS is situated... almost got it mistaken for Martini Room or something like that.. luckily I was with my cousin, who I give much respect as she's not only got style, but has been in the Marketing/Media industry before. So her take is something I consider seriously.

DIS is on the 2nd floor and is open till late apparently. Upon entering you are greeted by a friendly sales staff who explains the different sections of DIS... there's 3 sections, Space, Lifestyle & Wardrobe.

In Space, a number of local designer's have displayed their furniture or work of art e.g. paintings, deco, lamps etc. One thing I did like was the mural (they just painted it in time for the launch) on one of the walls... partly because it had Christopher Pereira - The Tree Wizard and also pictures of Singapore past & present. Other than that.. the furniture looked like pieces I've seen at Icon and other furniture places.

In Lifestyle, there were displays of pottery (that's good), decorated books/albums, fabric printed laptop bags, ipod holders etc. And the jewellery section, contained a lot of nice & simple trinkets I wouldn't pay more than $30 for... but they were grossly over priced! I say that because.. I design and make jewellery. What I price for a full necklace of Semi-precious stones, is what they price for a dainty pair of dangly earrings... wrong wrong wrong! There were some other pieces worthy of the prices... but majority... well.. let's just say my cousin said.. "I think I've seen those in Chinatown for much less!!"

In Wardrobe, we thought at least we'd see some unique and distinctive designs.. but again.. we were disappointed... some of the T-Shirts... I've seen tons better in Bangkok... and even more so for the dresses and silks they had on display. I didn't even dare to look at the prices.

All in all... if this is truly supposed to be things designed (made) in Singapore... then we lack the originality and creativity. Why then is there so much hype about this place? Truth be told... there are many designers out there who have done more original and unique pieces that deserve mention yet, maybe because they lack the connections or know how.. they are often looked over.

How then does a deserving designer get recognition for his/her work? Who do you have to sleep with or cadoodle with to get the 'hype'? I'd really like to know.... So.. Tell me!

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