Monday, April 10, 2006

Been a while...

since i last blogged so much has happened.... and still so much is happening...
i have decisions to make... made some decisions now jus wondering if what i've decided is best...
1st decision was to close the shop coz the rental was killing me.. and i got a few consignment deals in...
that works out fine... coz i've got different avenues going for the business...
2nd decision was personal.. to get back to working so as to support myself while i get the biz up & running proper...
I joined a good company which will allow me to explore my creativity as a designer... yet... something's missing still.
Now i have the opp to do some part time for another company but well.. i'm afraid that the 1st company might find out and think i'm side-lining... soooo i have to decide.
At the same.. i'm thinking of studying again... getting a dip in jewellery at either la salle or nafa.. i'm leaning towards nafa... coz it's also nearby to the 2nd company... which i'll be part timing at...
my head's gonna explode with all these decisions to make... coz i have to seriously decide what to do...
i can use my cpf for my studies... which is good.. and i'll just need a part time job to 'survive' and pay my bills.. and with the money coming in from the consignments... at least the biz can keep going as well... the 4th consignment deal is the sweetest.. and most probably the one that will bring in steady income...
so what now brown cow?!

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