Thursday, December 07, 2006

Confuxion Hovers Around Me

Confuxion... about many many things....

Firstly: Work
Why? Well.. i'm loving it where I am... am still in the learning process where Customer Service is concerned.. but hopefully all glitches will smooth out soon... soon.. had a bit of news this morning but now i hear another story whereby i'm not involved... so.. I think that's one bit of Confuxion settled??

Secondly: L.O.V.E. or lack of it....
This chapter in my life will never be an open/shut case. It will always leave me with many many wounds. Having been hurt many times before and sadly somehow, maybe it's a lesson I'll never learn. Always put my feelings way ahead of me. Stumbling and falling down.

Tot that I could just shut my heart out and go on with life, but I can't. LOVE what the hell does it mean? Why does it hurt if it's supposed to be so good. Why does it feel so right, yet can be so wrong? Why does it always happen to me?

Is it coz I'm lonely? In need of somebody to love, be loved, etc etc etc? Companianship? What the hell is wrong with me?

Finally: The Future....
I know.. we can't predict what's gonna happen.. but sometimes I do wonder if what I did in the past will really affect what I do in the Future?! I can plan but plans don't become reality.. often enough, part of the plan is successful. I'm not perfect, and I definatly don't plan to fail.

I wish I really had a crystal ball to see into the future.. .Just want to know if I'm headed in the right direction or just wandering around aimlessly. Coz many of my friends seem to know where they're headed while me... i'm still wandering around.

So.. as Confuxion hovers around me... what do I do? Take a step back, lay low and disappear... for awhile at least... I need to find my inner peace before I can be any good to anybody around me....

Just being me...

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