Friday, September 08, 2006

It's Friday

Last Friday I met him.. and haven't heard from him since.. maybe he didn't save my number properly or maybe he just was playing with me.. thank goodness all we had was a good 2hr chat by the bar... and i'm hooked.. coz the conversation was like no other.. the chemistry was definately there.. so what happened?

Anyways.. i'm going down tonite, gonna sit at the same spot and hope I see him again. And hopefully this time, things turn out better?

Will I see him or will i not? I leave it up to you Lord.. he makes me smile, he makes me laugh, he makes me happy and that's all that matters for now, the rest, will develop in time.. but first, please let me be able to see him again?!

Or else I'll just have to let go.. just like i did the previous one... and that's probably what i may be doing for the rest of my life.. meet them then let them go.. all the time...

Jus being me.. always!

1 comment:

Nattie said...

I can understand, but maybe he's just not into you....HUGS
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